Assalamualaikum and good morning everybody. Welcome back to my next entry. Weeeee. So today i am so excited to share with all of you another tool for digital classroom.

yup, it is what it is. It is Quizlet. Quizlet provides a platform for students d teachers to create and shre their own learning materials, including flashcards and diagram. Quizlet Live is the free in-class quiz game, produced by Quizlet, that can then bring these learning materials to life. In this engaging and interactive game, students must all contribute, stay focused and communicate well to win. In order to memorize facts , this tool would be very helpful. We need to encourage students to use Quizlet on their own time as homework or to create their own custom flash card sets for Quizlet Live competition in the classroom.

Interesting ain't it? we can also encourage students to create flash card decks to share with the class, it will be a nice way to help students collaborate as they preparing for tests and exam. We rarely heard that students create their flash cards manually. In quizlet, it could be  study tool for subjects with lot of visual or auditory content. We can use or add our own images. It also can attach live audio recording to flash cards. Other than that, it is great way to introduce new content as it requires students to collaborate with their teams to select correct answer. As students are learning new information, push the to move toward higher-order thinking, using what they have learned for the flash cards to apply, analyze, question and create.

Study diagrams from all subject areas. Browse, search or create your own
Quizlet Learn adapts to your responses, increasing difficulty as your accuracy improves
Creating a study set is simple with the auto-define feature. It can also add images and voice recordings
Quizlet Live divides student into teams and allows them to collaborate and compete
In a nutshell, Quizlet is a fun way to sneak assessment in to all subjects. That is all from e. Tll then ~
