Hi, welcome back to my next post! Today my entry will be about another tools for digital classroom. TED-Ed, have you ever heard about this? well TED-Ed is where students work together to discuss and celebrate creative ideas. TED-Ed's videos and lessons can be implement to almost any subject. Although it might take a bit of time for searching but it will be worth it. The content is remarkable, and come from people with good knowledge and (brain hehe). Most of materials here is best for high school students. It also provides videos on special topics that help students collecting additional information and specialized information on a topic that certain student could not ask their teacher.

TED-Ed provide us another alternative on how to understand any subjects or topics that we do not certain. Therefore, this tool really good for some students who find learning in class is boring and not focusing in class. Thus, this would be a good deal for them to gain their concentration. TED-Ed is excellent and support flipped-class lessons with an incredible community of thinkers and doers. Hence, students have no reasons to be lazy as they only need to watch without using any energy. I hope students can make good use of this tool. Till then !!
